The director's agency that gives professional housing
that personal touch.

designed to build character

We are Julia.

The number one full service director's agency that gives professional housing that personal touch. We excel at creating a unique work, brand or guest experience by building impressive, professional housing. Interior, exterior or turn key. (Re)building, relocating or making more sustainable. AND we have our own unique vision and approach in the area of designed to build. Cleverly conceived, strongly directed, perfectly created. That's our character.

Exclusieve woonbeleving
Complete verbouwingen

By choosing Julia,

you are choosing service with a real plus. Clients call these our 6 certainties. We prefer to call them our 6 service promises. 

  • Smart
  • Strong
  • Social
  • Sharp
  • Stimulating
  • Smile as a service

Exclusive living

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